I wrote in my first blog that this is going to last for long……. but……. what a hectic day? Will I be able to write today!!!! ? Is the work which I started to feel relaxed, adding to my tension? oops how much of work?…. Cooking, cleaning, grinding, washing…… so on and on and on.
Yes, I did say “ I can do this, I can do that” then I should show it. Hey I think I got my today’s topic words…….words……..words.

Where action is needed, words are nothing different from trash.
See the paradox.
Words are the greatest gift to us;
at the same time they are the greatest hindrance to our progress, because ….action is required….. not the words.
However vigorous, however forceful, however convincing, however mesmerizing, words are, still helpless in their ability to produce results. Results can be brought about only by action.
Talk won’t give us success.
Words won’t give us success.
Only action will.
So no more words….. let me get into action…….cooking, cleaning……..
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